sexy little black dresses

Thinking of a tight red dress ...

"Imagine a beautiful woman wearing a tight red dress walking down the street full of people with no male or female pedestrians looking at her except one, what do you see with your eyes? I see a beautiful woman wearing a fashionable body-hugging red dress walking down the street looking chic in comparison with the other female pedestrians on the street, for some reason, no one even bothers to notice her as if to look with envy or admiration. To ... most of them, the woman seems to be invisible even though she has a killer body of curves and that red dress hugging her body like that, no males bother to stare! The woman is a tall and slender woman, her face is not particularly beautiful, but in a dress like that, she is attractive and alluring as to command attention. And as she walks, even herself is surprised by the reaction she gets from the men on the street, it seems she is the only one who has color, and the rest are all black and white. And as she starts to feel a little disappointed, suddenly from behind her, she hears a voice, "Hello, your body is fantastic with all those curves in that red dress , even though you are not the most beautiful!" As the woman turns her head, she sees a young woman wearing a white blouse a floaty pleated skirt as she holds a pen and a writing tablet in her hands. The young woman is not particularly beautiful either while her comment is mixed to the woman's ears, but the woman likes it as she is the only one who cares and tell her the truth. The woman then say, "Thank you, I appreciate it!" And as the woman continues to walk, suddenly she cannot help but to notice that the drivers on the street are all staring at her with their hands on the wheels. And the woman can understand that as she is dwelling within that tight sexy little black dresses dress a red one, all of a sudden, she is feeling sexy as her pair of long luscious legs wriggling within the confinement of the dress . And the smooth silk inner lining of the dress simply soothes and caresses her buttocks as her legs stride back and forth. The woman occasionally takes a peep at the cars, she notices that in one car's compartment while a man is driving the car and staring at her, a woman probably his wife sitting in the passenger seat is looking jealously at her too. And as the woman passes the car, the woman is thinking, "Will he look in the rear mirror at me also?" The woman wants to turn her head to check, but eventually declines against that as she continues her way to her destination... And that's what I see in that woman's dress !" - Phillip Lo

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